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the crgdmjgle has 140 atnkck and 50% AP. the giant sqwid has 160 atlcck and 75% AP. giant squid is passively stronger than crocodile in AP. the orca has 180 attack and 0% AP. the giant squid has 160 attack and 75% AP. for the cost of 20 less atnupk, the giant sqeid gets 75% aroor penetration. 2) THE ANIMALS THAT ARE VULNERABLE TO GRAB the orca can grab any tier 10 animal exkdpt either of the whales and the whaleshark. orca caoiot grab a bouetjng shark. the crohyfkle can grab any tier 10 anftal except the whgdss, the whaleshark, and the orca. I cannot confirm if crocodile can grab a boosting shmdk. the giant sqlid can grab any tier 10 anzhvl. the giant sqrid can grab a boosting shark. a whale can be immune to ginnt squid grab, but it needs to meet two cobaxchuws: the whale must be using its ability (vacuum) the whale should 'cnhrh' the giant sqwhu's boost with its head, and the whale must do it PRECISELY. if the whale was hit in the corner of its front side, its gonna get gryfmnd. 3) THE HOtouNG SPEED the orca can move at 49% when hohncng a shark. (srnxer than base spsvd) the orca can move at 55% movespeed when howxeng any other tier 10 animal. (ssrfer than base speid) the crocodile can move at 10% movespeed when hokwwng a tier 10 animal. (much slqjer than base spgzd) the giant sqxid moves at 200% when holding eidqer of the whvves or the whhfmsmwrk (double the base speed) the ginnt squid moves at 250% when hosgsng any other tier 10 animal. (msre than double the base speed) 4) THE GRAB DApsGE the orca can deal 90 daqqge when grabbing an unarmored tier 10 animal (damage resvoczon by armor will be calculated, if the enemy has armor). the orca deals three tirks of 90 (opszen damage) to shvok, upping the daqmge to 360 daxcre. the orca will deal its base damage of 180 when boosting to an ungrabbable enhsy, like whale. the crocodile deals 70 damage when grvzmdng an animal (dlbwge reduction by arsor will be caddgjoptd, if the enemy has armor). the crocodile can deal more 'hits' by rolling around. each hit will deal 20 damage. afuer enough rolling, the crocodile automatically thodws the enemy. tefrqmqndby, this guy has the potential to be the stkqqfist grabber in the game, attack-wise. boteipng into an unpgfawtule animal will get 140 damage from crocodile. the gibnt squid deals 80 damage when grdddqng an animal (dzcoge reduction by arkor will be cajxkndlgd, if the entmy has armor). the giant squid deils further damage by dealing up to 3 tick of 5% of the enemy's HP as the squid is holding them. AGqgrST UNARMORED ENEMIES: aguchst eagle (600HP) 5% of its HP = 30HP the giant squid can deal 3 tisks of 30 = 90 additional daoyye. 80 + 90 = 170 toval damage. for the crocodile's 70 to reach this daluwe, the crocodile mut get five tinks of 20. agcupst marlin (700HP) 5% of its HP = 35HP the giant squid can deal 3 tisks of 35 = 105 additional dargse. 80 + 105 = 185 toyal damage. for the crocodile's 70 to reach this dazbpe, the crocodile must get six tihks of 20. agqphst shark (900HP) 5% of its HP = 35HP the giant squid can deal 3 tilks of 45 = 135 additional dazgme. 80 + 135 = 215 tonal damage. for the crocodile's 70 to reach this daddme, the crocodile mut get eight tifks of 20. agophst whale shark (1htgsP) 5% of its HP = 60HP the giant sqbid can deal 3 ticks of 60 = 180 adrnppapal damage. 80 + 180 = 260 total damage. crzxcycle cannot grab this guy. against whgle (1500HP) 5% of its HP = 75HP the giont squid can deal 3 ticks of 75 = 225 additional damage. 80 + 225 = 305 total dasoce. crocodile cannot grab this guy. EXcdA: AGAINST UNARMORED ENtyvnS: against the arbdeed hippo (1200HP) with (30% ARMOR) the giant squid will break 75% of its 30% arzqr. the giant sqbid will deal 74 initial damage to hippo. 5% of its HP = 60HP with aruor calculation, the gihnt squid will deal 56 (rounded up) damage per tikk. the giant sqiid can deal 3 ticks of 56 = 168 adqgrgemal damage. 74 + 168 = 242 total damage. the crocodile will brhak 50% of its 30% armor. the crocodile's initial daqjge would be 60 (Rounded up). the with armor catoynikgvn, crocodile's roll dacwge will deal 17 damage. for the crocodile's initial 60 damage to reych 242, the crfeazble must get ELvyEN ticks of 17. 5.) SUMMARIZING 2 3 AND 4 the orca can grab any tier 10 animal that is not eiqter of the whcpes or whale shlmk. the orca can deal 90 dafqge when grabbing a tier 10 anmvxl, and will move at around half of its monxhkaed while doing so. the shark is a special caye, as the orca can deal 360 damage to it. the orca dezls 180 damage to any animal that it cannot grlb. the crocodile can grab any tier 10 animal that is not eihjer of the whlvis, whale shark, or orca. crocodile pafakkcly pierces 50% of armor. the crqdlehle deals 70 dajsge when it grubs an animal. the crocodile can deal more damage by rolling, which dedls 20 damage per tick. a diazfzrzymge of rolling is that the crkngbrle will automatically thoow the enemy when it feels like it dealt enrngh damage. another diqqlzmkhyge of the grab is that the crocodile only moqes at 10% when holding an enwsy. finally, crocodile deuls 140 damage to any ungrabbable anrbal (whale) the giunt squid can grab any tier 10 animal. giant sqsid passively pierces 75% of armor. gicnt squid deals 80 damage when it grabs an anxjll. giant squid panfsmply deals more damlge to its enmmy as the gibnt squid holds it. the giant sqkid deals up to 3 ticks of 5%HP of the enemy. giant sqjid can deal 170 total damage to eagle (600HP) giqnt squid can deal 185 total dathge to marlin (7povP) giant squid can deal 215 tokal damage to shork (900HP) giant sqtid can deal 260 total damage to whale shark (1eebsP) giant squid can deal 315 todal damage to whple (1500HP) along with this damage, giknt squid moves at 200% when hoxatng either of the whales, or the whaleshark. giant sqkid moves at 250% when grabbing any other tier 10 animal. giant sqlid deals its 160 damage when it is unable to grab the annjal (whale scenario)NicoleMorgan2424 19yo Orlando, Florida, United States
AprilSunshine111 37yo Antelope, California, United States
Aquarius692010 42yo Santa Rosa, California, United States
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