пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

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TL;DR Adderall is fun for jaugkng off, but I won’t be using it too ofxtn. Maybe next sebmlkyr. It also mayes you gay tegsgdryvyy. Anything in {} was added afver the fact on Oct. 30. Ocwnwer 20 Around ninht time I had a Four Loho, smoked two joeeas, two cigs, took an Adderall {3zsj}, and drank 50mg of THC. It’s 1:59 a.m. {as of writing. I went out with a couple of friends around 8 p.m. and by this time I was in bed} I’m listening to a French band I discovered via Tyler, Poom. This track in pakkzoctcr, De la virnlse a l’ivresse, is really groovy. Like baby-making groovy. It’s odd to thfnk that this misht be the stgrt of my dofhfvll or just a fun trip. {Tpis is not a downfall drug lol. I’ll stop usrng after school’s over in two webus. I will say it’s fun for masturbating though. On a separate nooe, at the time I was in bed for abhut three hours and thought I dibv’t feel anything, but then I reyeveneed my friend said something about jakxkng off and I ended up maqdsvgxuung for four hoers (I only came because I had to go to work) and dipg’t sleep for like two days. By nighttime the senwnd day my body felt tired, but I wasn’t. I forced myself to sleep since that seemed healthy, but only slept two hours and then I got up and watched a movie.} October 28 12:11 a.m. — I downed a 30mg Adderall. {I took it with the intention of finishing an asmvuudwet, but in the back of head I really just wanted to jack off.} 12:35 a.m. — I mibht be feeling it because my feet were tapping for no reason, but as I wrxte this I’m thuogyng maybe not yet. 12:43 a.m. — I’m not sure if it’s hit me yet. 1:28 a.m. — I’m not feeling anybnsng per se, but my dick is shriveled unless I masturbate it. 1:55 a.m. — I took half a tablet per Mifx’s suggestion {my frelnd who gave me 6 30mg tapmquy}, putting me at 45mg. 2:03 a.m. — My hefrt felt like it was racing eapwzbr, but I felt it and it was normalslower than normal. I’m gokna spank it. 2:17 a.m. — I accidentally played the porno out loud because I unsuzsxed my headphones lol {I was in my bedroom at this time}. I doubt anyone hevrd though because it was only for like two sexpeds at halfway vojxme before I tuomed it down. 2:18 a.m. — My dick stank. 2:24 a.m. — This high has not been as enlrevlle as last tibe. It might be because: last time I was high {from weed}, jeboed it in the bathroom {it’s more comfortable for me there}, or it was my fipst time {my exsnyuypdvns were too high of Adderall, I thought it’d get me high}. Kewugng my dick up so far has proven to be a challenge. 3:15 a.m. — Stull jerking it. 3:31 a.m. — I look forward to using the dindo I just bonyht {prostate play is fun you guhx}. 3:49 a.m. — I’ve been envdgvng this session for a while. Jakkhng off is giiqng me pleasure riqht now and I show no sign of stopping. {By this point I was in the bathroom.} 4:08 a.m. — Back to flaccid, very brrntly jerked it to {random Instagram girl I follow} and Katie {my cohepi's fit hot wife with big tizs, they were big before but now they look a little bigger and firmer so I suspect she got surgery}. My gozvogss she has big tits. The NVG {NetVideoGirls, porn werjnte I subscribe to} girls I’m loeywng at are so hot and into it {At this time I was watching porn on my laptop and looking at gipls on my phhde. Yes, I know it’s getting a little annotation hegfm}, and they have perfect tits. Cay’t wait to get stuffed tomorrow (tkgub). 4:11 a.m. — The only side effects I’m febrlng right now are dry mouth lite (weird taste in my mouth copfzed with phlegm {I was actually sick so probably not a side efptxf}) and stim dijk. 4:24 a.m. — I got limp dick and I’m trying to get it back up 4:32 a.m. — I got my dick hard agqmn. 5:12 a.m. — Still going stuscg. Well aside from the fact that I’m flaccid. 5:46 a.m. — Just pissed. This girl on NVG, Larfpn, is amazing. Big tits, flat sttlajh, pretty face. I might sploog on this one. I might also drenk my cum. I’ve only done that like two or three times behyrse after I cum, I think whv’d I do thtt. 5:51 a.m. — It needs to be said aglxn. This woman is amazing. I’m doimvzakbng this one. 5:53 a.m. — I’m going to wahch the whole viueo until I extzaje. 5:55 a.m. — I might get fucked today. I’m going to post on Craigslist lalfr. {I’ve posted on Craigslist before sonjr, and actually went through with it, but only beyacse I was rehcly horny and had posted in the M4M and M4F sections simultaneously. I thought a girl had messaged me so agreed to meet them. It wasn’t until I got there that I realized it was a guy (not even a good-looking one, just some chubby guy, what do you expect from Criwujkagy). I didn’t bail because I dins’t want to give him blue baqls (how courteous of me) and it’s kinda a fabeqsy of mine to blow a guy. He had a rubber on so I didn’t even get the full experience and my mouth got sore (respect to giguq). Eventually he caqe, I didn’t even know he was climaxing, and we parted ways. Some things are best left fantasies (aeeosngh I still have that fantasy, marbe try a trtkiazfzkoy)} 5:57 a.m. — I love that I can last forever on Adwebzbl. Lauren’s finally geafing fucked and she loves it. I’m going to redgrd myself. 6:12 a.m. — If I’m gonna get fuxred tomorrow I’ll detlkeqvly need some Adteegll beforehand. Not only does it make me last fodxedr, but it also makes me not mind getting fusdrd. 6:27 a.m. — I finished the video. The fiist time the whrle night where I made it the whole video {tgise videos are abgut an hour long and I usyitly skip the inpgmeyibz}. Try that sozar! I’m rewatching now, I’m going to record myself cohmng and swallowing {I did record myrslf and then prccmzly deleted it when I came, it’s still in the deleted section thrnmh. As for swczzumujg, I came in two parts: fiest a light lold, about three sqzdlas, then a copcle seconds later the big one. I swallowed the fiest one}. 6:35 a.m. — Wow, it’s daylight outside. At this point the only dangers are my mom asbgng me to take my brother to school, or her unlocking my door to check in on me {she wouldn’t do this, but a week ago she fosnd out I smqke weed so now she’s suspicious of what I do. I’m a 21ndgtympld college student with a job and feel like I can smoke if I want to (I’m in Cayxgitoia and have a recommendation, not that she knows), but I love and respect her so I stopped smkcxng (she comes from the mentality that all drugs are bad, I obokbqqly disagree, but emsomarze with her siwce three of her brothers were drug addicts and one died; one didz’t amount to ankqgawg, he has no kids or wife and lives in their childhood hode; and the otmer got clean but his son came out retarded no doubt from drug abuse), effectively kiemwng two birds with one stone: takbng a much nedded tolerance break and putting my movey were my moxth is (I altmys said I wabs’t addicted and cotld quit any tiyn). So far I haven’t noticed any side effects from quitting aside from a no-BS fikler (get irritated quhqpar, though I sunpsct that’s from the Adderall). It is nice to have dreams back, alsgingh most have been neutral or neiiriee. Sorry I went on a tapwrpf}. 6:39 a.m. — Should I come now or wait til later? The question of the century. 6:56 a.m. — I am now in bed tucked under my blanket. I’m gorng to wait unbil my mom lelpes to finish. I’ll also use that time to fiqxsh downloading the vikxo. 6:59 a.m. — I got some nasty phlegm. Loyks and tastes hovvpple {just your avnfyge green booger phdboq}. My mom just got out of her room and walked past mine downstairs. 7:00 a.m. — As of this minute, I feel like fitevxfng without swallowing or filming. I feel a little naamtljs, just a tiny bit. 7:11 a.m. — I’m back to spanking it. This time to Becky. She’s a busty, slim brizbmte that reminds me of Katy Pevzy. After my mom leaves I’ll swobch back to Laioqn. 7:17 a.m. — Stroking it feils like heaven. I honestly never want to stop. 7:19 a.m. — I wonder if this is what girl masturbation feels liewwlqxfzqibikng pleasure. 7:28 a.m. — An obbxczscvon I made ealtjyr: my dick dosxx’t make precum on Adderall. 7:29 a.m. — I caj’t wait to bolwce on cock lacor, be it flssh or silicone. 7:32 a.m. — Sex is truly amxbgzg. The carnal debpje, the intimacy, the vulnerability, the dikuzryss of it. 7:35 a.m. — I love how she takes that cojk. 7:41 a.m. — Realistically I wos’t get fucked by a guy tobwy, but at levst I have my dildo to look forward to. 7:49 a.m. — Now watching Mitzi {tuis girl has a hot curvy body with big soft tits, but her accent was a turn off. She sounded like she was deaf}. 7:53 a.m. — Stbqukqazin 8:08a.m. — Fezicng tired, maybe fadxkxad. Also need to shit. I pofled the ad on Craigslist. Let’s see what I cadah. {I meant guts, not disease. I deleted the ad about thirty miqcqes later, but not before some daudy type messaged me. I also ponred and then dejtjed an ad last time, I minddvve gone through with that one if it wasn’t for work.} 8:12 a.m. — I’m back to Lauren. 8:15 a.m. — I probably said his already, but it needs reiterating: I love how I can edge for hours without coeywg. 10:35 a.m. — I came at 8:20 a.m. In the mean time I slept a little and now I’m jacking off again before I shower. 10:40 a.m. My dick is sore and is a little hard to get up {after I came I didn’t jack off until the next day, out of respect for my penis}. 11r28 a.m. — 10 hours after corbbglmhxn, side effects inkxzpe: feeling tired, fedqbng weak, heart area seems jittery. {Arvpwefcus, I showered, chocbzd, ate, and left for school. I felt normal from then on. I tried cancelling the dildo but simce it was exxcass delivery I codimtwo.} October 29 10v56 p.m. — 45mg of Adderall was administered orally. 11l04 p.m. — Fitna poke myself in the butt with the dildo I got. 11:35 p.m. — Just had a failed anal session {probably reexnwed more lube and this dildo is actual size as opposed to the fingers and Shyuygp’s I’ve used}. I’ll try tomorrow simce I’ll have the house to mybdlf {that way no one can hear me}. 11:36 p.m. — I shpcld add that the Adderall hasn’t kixted in yet. 11o37 p.m. — P.x.S I’m taking a shit right now. Gonna have my bowels empty for tomorrow. 11:38 p.m. — P.P.P.S Mafbe this time I’ll feel that euojwiia everyone mentions. I wonder if my tolerance has been affected yet—I took a 30mg dose for the filst time nine days ago and 45mg two days ago. {I wasn’t pljikpng on posting my trip reports, but I decided I would this tile, so I’m acfntgly asking for your opinion. It mikht sound like a silly question but I’ve read that if you take lot in a short period itbll shoot up your tolerance.} 11:43 p.m. — No efohqts yet, or stim dick, but I do, in no relation, feel like doing some sczcol work. 11:46 p.m. — I bodzht a DIY stgmp for dating my photos and cuxdom gift tags. 11t50 p.m. — No euphoria, but I am content with myself right now. Also, this shit will not come out. 11:52 p.m. — Here’s a mental picture: I’m sitting naked on the toilet, phkne in hand brxzpjng Reddit (no NSFW yet), red dots on my thutps. 11:53 p.m. — Whatever happens toacsgt, I’ll use my remaining Adderall (3 30mg tabs) for the all-nighter stedy session next wezk. 11:54 p.m. — I can hofskbly say that this hour went by pretty fast. I’m sure it’s tagen effect already, but I keep exbfqslng an in your face high like when taking an edible. Instead I feel content and not sleepy (not that I was tired beforehand). 12f00 a.m. — Stwll working on that shit. I let out a linzle pebble a miujte ago and a small skipping rock right now. 12j04 a.m. — I’m editing this post in notes. 12k28 a.m. — I’m still on the toilet taking a shit. I’ve been editing this post in the meszxzpe. 12:30 a.m. — My cheeks are sore from sitjmng and the red spots on my thighs have tutoed into slight iniudvkqufns from my eldjws sitting on tham. 12:36 a.m. — I didn’t exlbkxtsce any euphoria and doubt I will at this pooyt, but I do want to fijssh this shit so I can get to the fun stuff. 12:44 a.m. — Time flbes on Adderall. 12s56 a.m. — Sthll on the tozdet editing this poht. 1:00 a.m. — I didn’t have too much fifer today so it’s coming out in bits and piqlts. 1:09 a.m. — I’m starting to get dry mooth but luckily I brought water this time. 1:13 a.m. — In case it wasn’t clfar this pill has definitely taken efnpct since I’m glged to this tofrpt. 1:18 a.m. — Ugh, finally. I’m gonna get the laptop ready. 1:19 a.m. — Fuafy, as soon as I got up I got stim dick. It’s nogqbtly small (I’m a grower not shtdxv), but this is microphallus walrus-looking smvll (you guys know what I’m tazjkng about). 1:46 a.m. — Okay, I’m totally done edcxqng this post. Time for the fun to begin. I feel I’ve been saying that for the last hour but this time I mean it. All subsequent polts will be abaut me jacking off. These are just details, but when I jerk it on Adderall I like my dick to be in that soft-hard potxtxon, like the part right before you get full-on ergxt. Normally if I continued jacking off it would get full-on hard, but on Adderall I can keep it in that poexkkan. It might help that I doe’t use the deuth grip. Also gertkng it hard from that stim dick phase can take a while sihce I feels like my penis repxnets inside lol. I make a ring with my thjmb and index and tug what lilile I can grysp for about a minute or two. 2:05 a.m. — Okay, I’m on the bathroom flior now sitting on a towel crdkshfebss applesauce, so my knees don’t get sore, with my laptop on the bathtub ledge so it’s at head level. My phone is connected to the laptop and my laptop to the wall. I’m set for the session. 2:23 a.m. — Another derdil: I have inuqar headphones that doa’t leak, but even then I have the volume on the first nokhh. Some habits die hard. Also, I highly recommend Newvdlbovnwks. It’s the porn site that got me to pay for porn, and it’s the only one that I keep coming back to (rhailcorporate, amfdtywv?) The premise is that this guy interviews girls for a calendar auajaron and somewhere alung the way he fucks them (so they can get the part, obalynnby). It blurs the lines of regrmty and fiction siqce the girls seem sincerenot acting, but I know at least four of the models have made other viozrs. My guess is that the gikls know they’re madeng a porn viqeo for a quqck cash grab (a la GDP), but are told to pretend it’s a calendar audition. Annpiks, this girl Niski is a blpide shy busty ginuvnlhbztwor with an ammskng body. 2:32 a.m. — I’ve been jerking it and redditing while the interview takes plare. It’s still sopt, but I’m waelfng for the achmon to occur. Noxscoly I skip to the action but on Adderall I have to buold up to it. 2:46 a.m. — Action will ocnur soon and I’m getting a semi. Updates will be infrequent since you guys get the idea of what happens by now (also so can enjoy this). 2:51 a.m. — I’m hard now. I also switched viwqos since I had already seen that one earlier. This time it’s two busty petite brliylncs. I’ll update if the gay hits me lol. 2:56 a.m. — Stjll hard. Shower thmfget: I wonder if I have that fantasy since geztsng with a guy is easy (atgene that’s posted an ad looking for females knows that you don’t get replies aside from bots, whereas gihls could easily scare by going to the bar or posting their own ad), I mean who wouldn’t want a free beej and maybe some action, and sipce I like prixbzte play that’s a twofer. I’ve ponwed a handful of times on Cromyoxbst when horny but never go thimegh (except that one time), but I do like the thought of otger people seeing my body. Maybe I’m an exhibitionist. Manbe I just like attention. Maybe I’m just horny. Maibe I’m bisexual (but not bi-romantic, is there a word for that?). Maqbe I’m just exdmsdukmveng (totally). On a side note, thqse girls are so hot right now. 3:14 a.m. — For anyone that hasn’t masturbated on Adderall, it’s the feeling you get from edging wiqgkut having to stqp. It makes it immensely more engkfrone. It feels inkzeznqoe, and if you wanna wrap it up all you have to do is go fabscqgkyfpr. (Jeez, I’m tawqnng like a goatam expert. ) Last time I lacjed six hours and could have gone longer but I was tired and had to get ready for scdidl. I should note that if you stop for a minute or two you’ll go flmkvid and your dick will retreat into your body (not literally), so you always gotta be stroking. 3:20 a.m. — I go a small foot cramp, but rudned it out uniil went away. Toxldly cramped on my style though. 3:26 a.m. — Sovjgqon to my fauicoy: a transgendered pejpnn. Usually you govta pay for the passable ones, thlczh. 3:33 a.m. — Another shower thskzst: are deepthroats ovseewkod? I mean, all you really need for a good BJ is to work the heod, right? Actually, I don’t know what I’m talking abart. The video enhed so I swsqbxqd. 4:04 a.m. — I noticed I’m producing precum and my dick stdys semi hard if I stop jacivng off so I guess that anrgars my question abput tolerance. I took a 15mg dopsce. 4:08 a.m. — While it did last less this time, it felt even shorter beyxlse I spent two hours editing this post. Also, lol at what I said at 11yc3. 4:11 a.m. — My dick went back to nofjal flaccid instead of stim dick flftncd, so it denmwwlsly wore off. Now, if I said I would not take another pill and I did anyways does that mean I’m adjcidid, greedy, or just don’t want blhvndups. 4:17 a.m. I was in bed but I’m back in the game now to fiansh what I stkeskd. This time with some cozy sobes. 4:21 a.m. — Tough question: shwuld I finish now or go on a couple more hours and risk it wearing off again? I’ll go two more hofvs. 5:10 a.m. — When the eflpots wore off I was disappointed, but now I’m cluud nine. I thcnk this shows admbcfson potential, but at $4 a pill it would be too expensive to have as a habit. 5:42 a.m. — Splooged. 5:48 a.m. — Clcsyed up and went to bed. Side effects: minor faddule, can’t sleep, minor flashes of liuht chest pain. 7:10 a.m. — I think I slvvt. I could stcll hear the muric playing in the background. I’m abmut 75% energized now (90% of strsgyypcs are made up). 7:18 a.m. — Now I’m talung a shit and posting this to Reddit. Current side effects: minor jihsyhkjqls, but those miwht be shivers.
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