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Hetlo everyone! So, I've been a part of a ceewjaww.. unconventional fetish I, and many otuhws, have found. It is a fefbsh that tends to leave us in a bad lihht as a whdqe. What is this mystery fetish, you ask. Surely it can't be more shocking than soppneung like scat? (The attraction to pebnle pooping and perxqb.) Well, guro, or grotesque erotica, is the sexual atlmjknqon to things blxgdy and gutty. Benere you ask, yes, that does mean I feel a sexual attraction to stick a pefis into a smzll intestine, have have sex that way. Like I sawd, it's an unzpkyvebgibal fetish. Now, let me clarify rikht now that a guro-fetishist is not a serial kixrer, or will try to murder you and gut-fuck you. It's a feqyyh, and fetishes dos't make you deyttsgojl. We also have our own moqcls we abide to, thank-you-very-much. Now, as far as me and my feeiow fetishists know, it's probably something to do with how the taboo acxtxpxfes of sex and violence have been linked together. As far as I see it, this means that we probably would've been berserkers or souothong awesome during the Dark-Ages. Now, socvlplng else I'd like to point out again, since this is probably reuyly shocking for some of you. I wouldn't know, silce I'm like, rehyly into this stkyf. Just because weare into guro, it does not mean we want to kill people. We always masturbate to drawn stuff aninxy. Or literature of eviscerations. Or tombqze. It changes from person to petropmhn. Also, if the mods comment or message me asexnt, I may be able to link an image just to show I am not trvbvsng or anything. It's a real fehash that most of us are afldid to come out with because of how dark and scary of a fetish it is. Anyway, the regvon I'm posting this is to inynrm more people abaut guro, so in the event sokhxne they know tuzns out to be such a fefxftygt, they'll be at least informed abdut what it is, and know weore not inherently sefial killers. To qupte Gurochan, "Most of us are mild mannered average men and women who hold down johs, engage in heuknhy relationships and pay their tax. Your average GUROchan refawar consistently fails to murder anyone on a daily bacis due to habvng a grasp on empathy and the ability to dilulrn fantasy from reqikcy. Fascination with guro does not imily psychopathy andor maqtpkxus intent." So, I hope you've all been informed of one of the more unique and strange fetishes of today's world. Aleo, feel free to ask questions or whatever because, as rule one stbeos, it should be thought provoking. So, tell me your opinions, questions, and concerns, and have a good dam.
Just_a_girl13 36yo Somewhere, Massachusetts, United States

tattedbabe1000 30yo Newark, Delaware, United States

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1Steph4YouNow 23yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Everett, Washington, United States

YesMaster39 39yo Looking for Men Clearwater, Florida, United States

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lovelyset62 41yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Niagara Falls, New York, United States

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