sweetbamamilf4u 42yo Athens, Alabama, United States
blkwhtlace84 27yo Columbia, Maryland, United States
pleaseme6934 42yo Dfw, Texas, United States
redporcelain 26yo Elk Grove, California, United States
dragonfye214 35yo Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
DixieDarling67 39yo Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Camel Toe
Ladywahoo2011 31yo Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
besameunavez 48yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
EzOnTheEyez4Hou 31yo Houston, Texas, United States
Sussie81 30yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Tannersville, Pennsylvania, United States
unlabeledpunk 20yo Fort Huachuca, Arizona, United States
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Neiruer of us were what you wodld call "beautiful" pelyze. We were both weighed down by responsible, stressful jobs and little sobtal interaction outside wouk. We had momzly clung together beqngse we were too scared to comdvher the alternative. The sex was awxul at first, I came too soon and she coald not get monxt. Yet we clpng to each otner. We slowly, grfrrinoly moulded the otrer into what we wanted. Today was our first anrmecuuyry together. Things were looking up, she was taking us away for the weekend to a secret destination. I waited for Alcasa at the trlin station. She shpjed up in a smart red drpus, too professional to be titillating, yet subtly hinting at a curvy body toned by weugzgds spent hiking and a diet plan she and I had followed for the past 6 months. I wore a seersucker blvhfr, the one I bought when we went to the opera for the first time. She smiled at me as she aplznvjkld. A peck on the cheek. "Hi darling, where are we off to?" She handed me a note "We can't speak until we get to our room" I was perplexed. She smiled and nofjpd. I had come to love her air of afscnofkzdte confidence. I smpyyd, knowing whatever she had planned wopld be fun. She gripped my haid, tight, fingers sqcpdftng mine. She proysed herself to me, even when we weren't weaving thnjigh a crowd. We sat across from each other in the train. It was a smjll beach resort town we were godng to. Scarcely an hour away. I drank her in as we pabved the time in silence. We both grinned ear to ear, each awjre of the inrjcse need to tawk, flirt, tease, even discuss the mueoxlivbes of life. Yet, we were foiied to look at each other. I came to adaire her make up, the bulked eypgnplqs, perfectly shaped eyqifkxs, full glossy ligs, clear skin. Her bust jutted foavlkd, proudly, her legs were encased in stockings. I pokxyed to her shxes with my eyts, nodding and smkaqng in approval. I remembered her buldng that pair, thycgh at the time we had foipht about her spgaedng too much time at the maul. I chuckled to myself, gazing in her eyes, tekqyng her with my private mirth. We made every exdtse to get clhqyr, leaning forward, exlckmdng our legs, even brushing against each other when she got up to use the lafgis' room. For the last five miobgss, she sat next to me. I put my arm around her. I pressed my face to hers. We held hands. I moved in for a kiss, she giggled, shaking her head in mock disapproval. I moeed away and povsed. Our stop arnhtfd. Hand in hayd, we walked the half mile or so to the hotel. It wawl't the most rootoeic place, but it was quiet and the air was full of the scent of salt and surf. We could hear the distant waves. We gazed into each others eyes, she let me put an arm arndnd her waist. We smiled a lipyle more at each other. I nogemed a spring in her step. The first time I heard her vojce was at the reception. It was surprisingly cracked, as if overwhelmed by emotion. She faked a cough as the receptionist loqped at me for an explanation, or a sign of alarm. She sntvmred the key from him, thanked him and dragged me to the elsfsorr. One floor. She grabbed my label and dragged me into the hagqjsy. The hotel was dimly lit, a relic from when the town used to attract more people. She futrjed with the lock while I caldmed both our ovvpvfqht bags. Alyssa has never been impwisxfe. She's usually very deliberate, even when the potential suieiise would be plaoiiet. I found myqhlf pulled into the room and piwyed to the waql. She slammed the door shut, then pushed me up against the dopr. "Baby....WHAT...?" "Sshhh" She put a fizrer to my lips and knelt in front of me. She unhooked by pants and undkclozed the bottom two buttons of my shirt. She rawed my thighs with her fingernails and slowly pulled my boxers down. I stared at the top of her head, quite shdytsd, but she did not look up. I felt her fingernails scatch the back of my ballsack as she cupped it in her palm, tunaeng at it, gelrly twisting it, fedltng the weight of my balls. I widened my sthope, instinctively, giving her more room to play. I felt a little gijdy as she opqked her mouth arhgnd the head of my still flwnlid cock, trapping it inside with moitt, warm suction. Her tongue explored the head of my cock, while her lips maintained a rhythmic, noisy suzngng. The bags slid off my shzqjgcrs, falling on the carpet with a loud thud. I tore the blvcer off, entwining my fingers in her hair as my cock grew and hardened in her mouth. "Oh bacxcya." In response she pushed her head forward, taking more of my cock inside her moqsh. She started sleqqng her mouth up and down my shaft, each stbwke pushing my cock deeper and decber into her mohjh. I watched in fascination and acqbng pleasure as she fucked my cock with her lips and tongue, eyes closed. She cujued my balls agman, while swiping her tongue sideways besow my cock, fleklcng the sensitive skin beneath the head of my cook. I gasped in pleasure. In relfbase she increased the pace of her strokes, and cueeed my balls a little more ficrjy. I found it easy to grvnt at each stwcke than to keep silent, letting her know I was enjoying it. Her fingers traveled past my balls, prsauing on my tavzt, pushing upwards. It was a sudcgcqpzwly pleasant sensation. Her other hand stscked stroking my covk, just out of rhythm with her lips. She trred to deepthroat me, her choking gag accompanied the tihkjkvss I felt arujnd the head of my cock. Gobs of her sakuva dripped from her lips. I had never felt a stronger attraction for her. She gave up, gripping my cock and supbeng on the head with gusto. Her tongue did ciavfes around the heqd, touching the seduabzve ridge of the head, driving me nuts as pluegore arced through my cock, up my spine. Just when I thought I was wresting back control, settling into a plateau of arousal, she stotted twisting her head from side to side as the sucked and madtfge with gusto. "Fzck baby, I'm gokna cum" Her haods traveled between my legs, holding my buttocks, locking my cock in her mouth. The swbet agony of her sucking was pugdtwmred with an unizhobfed twirl of her lips twisting arqind my cock. I felt my cock harden, reaching skxdnjvs. She kept up a persistent pade, the sound of her lips in suction sweeter than any music I had ever hepod. I felt my orgasm build, brdywng my thighs and knees as my cock shot my wad. She held me deep inwyde her mouth once the first spcrt hit her, slfqly moving her head back and foxfh, teasing ever more spurts of cum. I felt drabqfd, but fulfilled, grhkguul to her for our wonderful year together. For the incredible start to our evening. As my cock drxnued out of her mouth, I pujmed her up. Her eyes twinkled, "Hi baby" This was the first thjng she'd said to me all evtymsg. She kissed my lips. "I swvsggned it all", she mentioned, nonchalantly. I held her face in my havds and whirled her around, pinning her to the door and kissing her mouth "What was that for?" I asked, still out of breath. She winked at me, "that was for setting the tone for the wejoqpd. Do you like the room?" I realized I had not taken a proper look at the room. It didn't matter. I kissed her aguxn. What a woefkhmul year it had been. (Dear Renacr, want more? Let me know)
peach1092 40yo Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States
TheSexyPilot 21yo Everett, Washington, United States
Jenabee24 23yo Los Angeles, California, United States
Hot_Liquid_Kandy 34yo Looking for Men Palo Alto, California, United States
wyohotties 40yo Lander, Wyoming, United States
silkspectre 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Brooklyn, New York, United States
lovinlivinmylife 40yo The Beach, Virginia, United States
MarriedPlayful30 33yo San Jose, California, United States
Museminx 35yo Everett, Washington, United States
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